Survivor Spotlight | April 08, 2016
Why I Run: Laurel

Laurel, a survivor of sexual assault, is just one of hundreds who will be hitting the road on May 21 to support survivors of sexual assault through Lace Up 4 RAINN, an annual 5k race hosted by RAINN. 

Survivor Spotlight | March 22, 2016
Survivor Story: Jeannette

Jeannette lived through a difficult and tumultuous childhood, including a father who began sexually assaulting her at a young age. As a member of RAINN's Speakers Bureau, she shares her story to create something positive out of what happened to her and to show other survivors that they are not...

Latest News | February 24, 2016
Survivor Spotlight: Julianne

Survivor Julianne shares how being sexually abused at a young age by her father and uncle lead to eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder later in life. She also explains the multiple theraupeutic techniques that, along with support from friends and family, have helped her to heal. 

Latest News | February 23, 2016
Survivor Spotlight: Elizabeth

Elizabeth shares her experience as a survivor of teen dating violence, which began with her first boyfriend at age 15. 

Latest News | January 24, 2016
Survivor Story: Jen Porcelli

Jen shares her experience being stalked by her assailant


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
