#WhatIWish: A Healing Journey through Reflection and Advocacy

The #WhatIWish campaign, part of the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) initiative, offers a unique opportunity for survivors and allies to engage in self-care and healing while raising awareness about the dangers of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online. This hashtag provides a platform for individuals to reflect, share insights, and contribute to a broader conversation on this critical issue. \ We invite everyone to join the #WhatIWish campaign by journaling or posting on social media using the hashtag.


Speakers Bureau Member, Rena Romano, Led Training on Speaking Engagement Tips

Please go to this link and insert the passcode to assess this training. Rena covers topics like how to share your story, how to engage your audience, and how to ask for compensation for speaking opportunities. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Ctr5KiA_-NNkN94y6gcr2C6hlHjPbkleXP-ypovOfmpouRVHzKIO4kOmew-WHMuD.swwe2TO_Da-Rrd2i Passcode: =YNM4SZz


Surgery,Trauma & Emergency Medicine-Injury Prevention Speaker

Event Date:
07/10/2023 10:30 to 07/10/2023 10:30

Event Organizer: Robert Curran

Event Organizer Contact Information: ROC9187@NYP.ORG - 212-746-1883 

Description of Event: We plan to run a summer program for high school students, Surgery,Trauma & Emergency Medicine-Injury Prevention which will combine some instruction in the medical sciences and surgical techniques with training on preventing injury and trauma.

Where: NYC, Weill Cornell on East 68 and York Avenue 

When: July 10, 2023

In-person or Remote: Either

Additional Information: The course is for high school teens, they generally respond best to someone closer to their age group.



Speakers Bureau State Legislative Advocacy Training

This training contains information on state legislative information from our Policy Team at RAINN. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/fCiN5g1MeLbK_cpUNt5WaJoNMFWE5W5AH67Jx3i23nWwH_N8Ik2ty9LKNOzwppb9.Gb7VYfL_ZHW0Q4NA Passcode: o6.vAinX

Self-Care After Trauma

Social Media Toolkit

Online Dating Safety Tips

Speakers Bureau Welcome Packet

Overview of RAINN
