Turn Awareness into Action this April

Individuals and communities across the country recognize Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (#SAAPM) each April. This year, as RAINN reflects on 25 years of helping survivors, we’re making this April not only about awareness, but action.

“Sexual violence is an issue that affects nearly every family in America. It’s vital that we as individuals and communities take action—together,” says Jodi Omear, vice president of communications. “Whether that means standing up for a friend, listening to a loved one, sharing your story, or volunteering to be there for survivors. It takes all of us stepping in and speaking up.”

This April, RAINN is helping supporters find ways to turn awareness into action. Each week is focused on a different theme and highlights specific actions to help end sexual violence. There are many ways to get involved, and every little bit counts. To read more about the themes check out RAINN’s #SAAPM page.

As part of SAAPM, April 4 is RAINN Day, an annual day of action for students and administrators across the country to raise awareness about sexual assault in campus communities. Anyone can participate in RAINN Day by downloading the free Event Planning Guide that includes RAINN’s graphics, posters, handouts, and ideas for getting community members engaged.

“RAINN Day is a great opportunity for campus communities to come together and start conversations about how they can best support survivors and make their campuses safer,” says Omear. “This April, let’s take action together.”

Throughout April, RAINN will be sharing information, graphics, statistics, and videos about how to take action and get involved. Follow RAINN on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to get the latest updates throughout SAAPM.

DNA evidence can increase likelihood of holding a perpetrator accountable.

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Sexual violence has fallen by half in the last 20 years.

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The National Sexual Assault Hotline will always be free — with your help.

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