Tasha's Story

Tasha Wilson was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance on her college campus. She did not feel comfortable reporting the assault to campus administration because she had heard about other students’ negative experiences in doing so. “It didn’t feel like a welcoming or safe environment to disclose. I didn’t know if there were even resources available.”

Tarhata's Story

Tarhata Brazsal experienced rape and intimate partner violence from her high school boyfriend. After the relationship ended, Tarhata told her sister and cousin about what had happened. “Everyone was trying to make me do what they thought would help me. People were trying to force me to act in a certain way, but my sister didn’t. Because of that, she truly gave me my voice back.”

Tara's Story

Tara is a survivor of multiple sexual assaults and intimate partner sexual violence. “I’m a very open person with everything else, I’m very outgoing and I talk a lot. But when it came to these things, it took me years to say anything to anyone. The first time I talked about them was years later with my husband and after that with my therapist.”

Brad’s Story

Brad Simpson was groomed and sexually abused by a private sports trainer from age nine to his mid-teens. He didn’t tell anyone about the abuse for the next 35 years. “It was scary; I was afraid of judgement most of all. I had feelings of guilt, and I struggled with self esteem and trying to hide my story.”

Lisa’s Story

Her ex-husband sexually abused their daughter. “No more shame. No more secrecy. No more silence.”

Brian’s Story

3% of American men have experienced an attempted or completed rape. A survivor speaks out: “I want young Black men to know that they are not alone.”

Lea’s Story

Lea Grover was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance at a party when she was fourteen-years-old. “I was alone. I was fourteen. I didn't have a way home. I didn't know the language to use for what happened to me."

Danyol’s Story

Danyol Jaye was sexually abused and raped repeatedly by his older cousin between the ages of 7 and 10. “I just want people to know that they don’t have to be afraid of their truth. Your truth is important, your truth is needed.”

Tiffany's Story

Tiffany living far from home and training for the Olympics in figure skating when she was sexually abused by her coach's husband. She shares her story of resilience and strength to let survivors know they are not alone.

Cheryl’s Story

When Cheryl Cloyd Robbins was nine years old, she was sexaully abused by the school bus driver. Cheryl talks openly about living with the effects of sexual abuse, surviving a suicide attempt, and utlimately finding her voice. 
