Bring #RAINNayuda to your community

Start the conversation about sexual assault in your community – one coffee sleeve at a time.

As Seen on “Cold Justice: Sex Crimes”

Learn more about the rape kit backlog and the importance of DNA evidence in rape cases.

RAINN Partners with TNT’s Cold Justice: Sex Crimes to Provide Support to Survivors

New TNT show uses DNA evidence to investigate unsolved rapes and connects audiences with support through the National Sexual Assault Hotline.

As Seen on Dateline: Talking to Your Kids about Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can be a difficult subject to talk about, especially between parents and their kids. The good news is that conversations about sexual assault can be a part of the safety conversations you’re already having.

Jacqueline’s Story, as Seen on Dateline’s “My Kid Would Never Do That”

Survivor Jacqueline talks with teens on NBC's Dateline segment about the importance of open dialogue and support when discussing sexual assault with teens. Read her story here, and learn how you can begin the conversation with your kids.

Working Together to Improve Services for Crime Victims

RAINN Joins Other National Leaders during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week to Announce Shared Priorities

Show you C.A.R.E.: Four Ways To Keep Your Friends Safe

RAINN releases new graphic series in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
